Macclesfield Taekwondo Classes

macclesfield taekwondo class clubThe academy teaches Taekwondo classes in macclesfield, most nights in our family friendly club.

Taekwondo, the Korean Karate, Olympic sport is the martial art with a kick like no other. Tune your mind and body in a safe friendly environment. Taekwondo classes at the academy are part of our family martial arts program.

We start you off with a free Taekwondo trial, so call today on tel:07447224912

Tae-Kwon-Do is traditional martial art in that you will learn forms (patterns, poomse or kata), traditional line work, kicking, hand techniques, destruction and self protection from a strongly structured syllabus. 

We practice WTF (Olympic Taekwondo) and ITF style. Emphasis is on aerobic fitness, flexibility and toning.

Take a trial today or give us a call on  tel:07447224912