What and who?

We will be running a series of sparring seminars for all students from the 10-14s and adult/family classes, plus select students from the 7-9s classes on a 3 weekly basis. Each session will be a constructive, theme based seminar.

These sessions will be a great opportunity to focus on solely on sparring and competiton skill sets. There will be three sessions between each belt test. Students need to look on them as important. 

When ( and where )

The classes will run from 1830-2030 if they fall in the week days. And 1230-1430 when they fall on a Saturday. This time slot covers both the usual 1830 Teen korean kickboxing classes and the adult and family class (1915-2030) which follows straight o afterwards. If you would like to join in but cannot come outside your normal class times, you are welcome to attend for the normal time of your classs. 

The next four sparring seminars up to and including belt testing. 

  • 23/04/2024  1830-2030
  • 16/05/2024 Thursday 1830-2030
  • 01/06/2024 Saturday 1230-1430
  • 22/06/2024 Belt testing 1330-1630